Top 5 Finnish Christmas foods ChristmasCuisine Top 5 Finnish Christmas foods With so many delicious Finnish Christmas dishes, we asked our FB readers to list their favourites. See how it turned out!
Toasting Finland’s Jean Sibelius at 150 Arts & cultureMusic Toasting Finland’s Jean Sibelius at 150 The 150th anniversary of composer Jean Sibelius’s birth is celebrated in 2015 with events in Finland and around the world.
Finns bring new twist to simulation games Business & innovationTechnology Finns bring new twist to simulation games Finnish women entrepreneurs are bringing new views to gaming. We meet the creators of two very different simulation games.
Films project Finnish view of Christmas ChristmasModern Christmas Films project Finnish view of Christmas See our list of Finland’s top Christmas movies, all of which include Finnish Lapland’s most famous resident, Santa.
Pitching tips from Finnish stage stars Business & innovationEconomy Pitching tips from Finnish stage stars A Finnish entrepreneur goes to extreme and even comical lengths to improve his business pitch. Does it work? (See video.)
Finns celebrate freedom every December Life & societySociety Finns celebrate freedom every December One of Finland’s most inspiring celebrations arrives every year on December 6: Independence Day. (Try pronouncing it in Finnish, Itsenäisyyspäivä; or in Swedish, Självständighetsdagen.)
Educated, then employed, in Finland Life & societyEducation Educated, then employed, in Finland Are you wondering how to find a job after studying in Finland? Read three success stories.
City of Helsinki among the first in the world to hire Chief Design Officer Arts & cultureWebpick City of Helsinki among the first in the world to hire Chief Design Officer First of all, the objective of the CDO is to provide the city with visionary, creative thinking where priority is given to the users.