A Finnish Heavy Christmas to one and all! ChristmasMusic A Finnish Heavy Christmas to one and all! In the heartland of heavy metal a group of head-banging musicians are raising funds for charity by rocking up well-loved Finnish Christmas carols.
Christmas Eve in a candlelit Finnish cemetery ChristmasChristmas traditions Christmas Eve in a candlelit Finnish cemetery Visiting the cemetery forms part of many Finns’ Christmas rituals. Hey, it’s not as morbid as it might sound.
Oh-so-sweet Finnish Christmas! ChristmasCuisine Oh-so-sweet Finnish Christmas! Finnish Christmas is filled with mouth-watering treats and taste-bud-tickling delicacies. Beware of the sugar rush!
From the virtuoso to virtuosi Arts & cultureMusic From the virtuoso to virtuosi The most famous Finnish composer Jean Sibelius turns 150 years
The Hot Event in the Cold North Business & innovationTechnology The Hot Event in the Cold North Slush 2015: Slush is the focal point for startups and tech talent to meet with top-tier international investors, executives and media.
Pop the scientists’ bubbles! Business & innovationUniversities Pop the scientists’ bubbles! Helsinki University is using a competition, the Helsinki Challenge, to develop and fund scientific research. The winners will receive €375,000.
The headbanger throws his phone away and goes to sauna Life & societyFinnishness The headbanger throws his phone away and goes to sauna This year our Christmas calendar is full of Finnish emotions (is there such a thing?). The first three emojis of the Finland sticker set are here!
Finland unveils uniquely ecofriendly icebreaker Business & innovationWebpick Finland unveils uniquely ecofriendly icebreaker Polaris is the most environmentally friendly diesel-electric icebreaker in the world, a masterpiece of Finnish shipbuilding expertise.