Finland sings crayfish-party praises Life & societyCuisine Finland sings crayfish-party praises Our American reporter discovers camaraderie and unexpected culinary experiences at traditional crayfish parties.
New Finnish health tech for old problems Business & innovationTechnology New Finnish health tech for old problems From diabetes logbooks to medical alert bracelets, Finns are developing novel high-tech solutions to healthcare issues.
Mysterious names on the map of Finland Life & societyLanguage Mysterious names on the map of Finland A city called Theft, a bay on Water Lake, a town called Crash: translating Finnish place-names yields entertaining results.
A Finnish dose of good health via apps Business & innovationWellbeing A Finnish dose of good health via apps We meet two Finnish women who are creating health apps and wellbeing games that pave the way for an active lifestyle.
Taste the summer in Finland Life & societyCuisine Taste the summer in Finland The Finnish summer means long days outside, summer cottages and fresh, seasonal cuisine (article includes recipes).
Helsinki hip: Harbours become houses Life & societySociety Helsinki hip: Harbours become houses Three new neighbourhoods show how the Finnish capital is innovating to meet the needs of a growing urban population.
Startups show Finnish innovation in Oulu Business & innovationEconomy Startups show Finnish innovation in Oulu Each year at Midnight Pitch Fest in Oulu, innovative startups seek fame and fortune. We talk to some of the best.
Finnish designers again to the final of the Hyères Fashion Festival Arts & cultureWebpick Finnish designers again to the final of the Hyères Fashion Festival Four young fashion talents from Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture compete in the international festival this April.