A great adventure: Finland begins basic-income experiment
Between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018, Finland is piloting a basic-income programme with 2,000 people to see if it holds the key to increasing employment and simplifying the social security system.
Bengt Holmström becomes Finland’s newest Nobel winner
When Bengt Holmström’s phone woke him up early one morning, he thought it was a reminder to take his medicine. Instead, it was a call to tell him he’d won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
Several years in Finland allow an American schoolteacher and blogger to observe what makes the Finnish education system so good – the answer is simpler than you think.
Several new sauna buildings have impressively transformed parts of the Helsinki waterfront, increasing the number of public saunas where visitors and locals can go for an authentic Finnish sauna experience – and a bracing dip in the Baltic Sea.