Finnish universities among global elite Life & societyEducation Finnish universities among global elite Times Higher Education names seven Finnish universities for world-class excellence. We visit the newest one on the list.
Learn by association at Finnish universities Life & societyEducation Learn by association at Finnish universities We look at the role of student associations in Finnish student culture: events, parties, sports, even career skills!
Think tanks see an even better Finland Business & innovationMulticulturalism Think tanks see an even better Finland We ask two of Finland’s leading independent think tanks about the country’s future. And what do think tanks actually do?
Finnish teachers venture out on exchange Life & societyEducation Finnish teachers venture out on exchange We meet teachers from Finland, famous for its education system, who go abroad to expand their horizons, just as students do.
’Twas the night before PISA in Finland Life & societyEducation ’Twas the night before PISA in Finland Finnish kids don’t like homework any more than anyone else. But their education has something most countries’ schools lack.
Finns improve testing for rare diseases Business & innovationResearch Finns improve testing for rare diseases Blueprint Genetics, a startup that attended Slush Helsinki in 2013, may revolutionise testing for inheritable diseases.
Finnish education expertise goes global Life & societyEducation Finnish education expertise goes global The Finns are taking steps to make their much-praised educational expertise into an exportable, global commodity.
Peace grows from mutual respect Life & societyEducation Peace grows from mutual respect Peace education and conflict prevention are cooler than you think! Finland and its schools are focusing on them for Ahtisaari Day.