Modern stories of Finland meet ancient Kalevala via Gallen-Kallela
Just outside Helsinki, a show at the Gallen-Kallela Museum ties together Finnish epic poetry, local storytelling in many languages, and rarely seen artworks by a famous painter.
Full of illuminated surprises, the annual Lux Helsinki light festival uses coloured beams to transform some of the city’s best loved buildings and streets in early January. You can see them in our photos without braving the cold.
Finnish photographer excels at depicting metal music
Perhaps it’s no surprise that Tina Korhonen, a photographer known for her portrayals of metal and rock culture (see slideshow), comes from Finland, a hub for metal music. She was nominated for Best Photographer in the 2018 Heavy Music Awards.
Scandinavia House in New York formed the starting point for a show of four Finnish painters, all of them women, whose careers coincided with cultural and political transformations. The paintings later continued to Stockholm, and subsequently returned to Helsinki as part of a larger exhibition.
Finnish photographer sees light alone in landscape
Anyone who has visited a bustling Helsinki café knows that stereotyping the Finns as antisocial is outdated and exaggerated. Yet award-winning Finnish photographer Mikko Lagerstedt has made a career out of displaying the beauty and nuances of solitude (see slideshow).
The revamped Helsinki City Museum opens doors to Helsinki’s past
Make a journey through history and admire fine architecture at Helsinki City Museum’s new main complex, where visitors can freely reflect on the past, right in the busy heart of the capital.