Even the modern Christmas season is a time of tradition in Finland ChristmasChristmas traditions Even the modern Christmas season is a time of tradition in Finland We take a brief tour of the cherished customs and events that Finns associate with Christmas.
View the heart of Helsinki Cathedral Life & societySlideshows View the heart of Helsinki Cathedral Photographer Tim Bird explores Helsinki’s Lutheran Cathedral to show you this popular landmark like you’ve never seen it before (slideshow).
Kalevala: the Finnish national epic Arts & cultureLiterature Kalevala: the Finnish national epic The Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, has inspired generations of artists and helped shape the nation’s identity.
Finland’s other epic: The Kanteletar Arts & cultureLiterature Finland’s other epic: The Kanteletar The Kanteletar’s ancient ballads form a companion work to the Kalevala, Finland’s national epic.
Bare facts of the sauna in Finland Life & societySociety Bare facts of the sauna in Finland Just say yes: If you want to get to know Finnish culture, don’t be intimidated by the sauna. With our beginner’s guide, there’s nothing to it.
Finnish cuisine – east meets west in Scandinavian style Life & societyCuisine Finnish cuisine – east meets west in Scandinavian style East and west meet in Finland, where chefs combine international inspiration and high-quality domestic ingredients to create unforgettable dining experiences.
A guide to Finnish customs and manners Life & societySociety A guide to Finnish customs and manners Get to know the Finns with our abbreviated but thorough guide – a starter kit for keeping up with the Finnish culture.
Is Finnish a difficult language? Life & societyLanguage Is Finnish a difficult language? Finnish is different. But this does not make it more difficult than other languages.