Despite progress during Finland’s Arctic Council term, the world still faces a “time of great urgency”
We take a look at the legacy of Finland’s time as chair of the Arctic Council, whose importance is more profound than ever as the Arctic region’s global significance grows and becomes more widely known.
From good to “goodest”: Finland tops the Good Country Index
Finland is number one in the newest Good Country Index, which seeks to measure “what each country on earth contributes to the good of humanity.” We talk to the index’s creator, Simon Anholt, about what it means to be “goodest.”
Zero isn’t nothing: Two Helsinki restaurants cut waste out of the picture
Two restaurants take opposite approaches to abolishing waste. Loop recycles ingredients that stores would otherwise throw out, and Nolla cuts all waste out of its processes.
The media is the mushroom: Finnish artist reveals hidden forest colours
In the forests of Finland, autumn is mushroom-picking season. Artist and photographer Saara Alhopuro is using her harvest to create colour-saturated, transient artworks.
Finnish Arctic weather expertise takes trip to Pacific tropics
We talk with a Samoan and a Finn about a four-year cooperative effort between the Finnish Meteorological Institute and 14 Pacific island nations to improve critical weather forecasting and warning capabilities.