Cold is the new hot in Finland Business & innovationArctic Cold is the new hot in Finland Finland is filled with supercool Arctic skills. Learn about Arctic snow-how and know-how!
A Finnish ice-breaking experience Business & innovationArctic A Finnish ice-breaking experience Icebreakers are a great showpiece of Finland’s Arctic know-how. Take a cruise with icebreaker Sampo and try floating in the icy sea – an ice-breaking experience not to forget!
Finland unveils uniquely ecofriendly icebreaker Business & innovationWebpick Finland unveils uniquely ecofriendly icebreaker Polaris is the most environmentally friendly diesel-electric icebreaker in the world, a masterpiece of Finnish shipbuilding expertise.
Johanna’s arctic endurance dive Life & societyWebpick Johanna’s arctic endurance dive A record-holding freediver plunges beneath the perilous Arctic ice
Finnish icebreakers clear a polar path Business & innovationArctic Finnish icebreakers clear a polar path As international interest in the Arctic increases, demand for Finnish icebreakers and ice-strengthened cargo ships rises.