The crow and his friends

Slideshow: Engaging nature photos ranging from northern Finnish scenery to Helsinki crows with a sense of humour.

Finland from top to toe: This slideshow offers nature photos ranging from the picturesque peaks of the Finnish Far North to south-coast crows with a Helsinki sense of humour.

The Finns are fond of saying that in Finland you are never far from nature, even in the capital. This proved true one day during a lunch stop at Wellamo, a small restaurant tucked into a corner of the peninsular Helsinki neighbourhood of Katajanokka.

Wellamo is not far from the water and a shoreline park. In this case, though, “nature” meant nature photos, hung on the restaurant walls for an exhibition called The crow and his friends – Nature photos both urban and other.

It was the show’s opening day and photographer Jukka Wuolijoki happened to be on hand to describe the stories behind the pictures. Click open the slideshow below to find out more, especially if you don’t live within easy reach of Wellamo – or Helsinki or Finnish Lapland – or if you’re reading this after the exhibition ends on March 18, 2012.

Crows and scenery

Photos by Jukka Wuolijoki
Text by Peter Marten, March 2012