Finnish comic artist Kaisa Leka breaks preconceptions about disabilities and being outdoors
Award-winning artist and adventurer Kaisa Leka wants to ensure that nature is accessible for everyone. Her prosthetic legs have taken her across the United States and all the way to the Arctic Sea, but her hidden gems are on the countless islands of the Finnish archipelago.
Nordic cooperation covers everything from art to economics
The Nordic region is very diverse, but its citizens have many values in common. We hear from two significant Nordic institutions about their work in Finland and abroad.
Made in Finland: Sweden sends Finnish sauna-party band KAJ to Eurovision
In a curious turn of events, Sweden has chosen KAJ, a comedy group from Finland, as its representative for the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. Finland’s own delegate is Erika Vikman.
Live gigs with fewer climate worries: Finland’s music industry has a plan
When you’re out with friends at a concert or festival, you’d probably rather not worry about the event’s greenhouse gas emissions. What if it was carefully planned to minimise emissions, or even certified as carbon-neutral?