Are you considering studying in Finland? Great choice!
Photo: Vesa Laitinen
Take a look at these sites to get you started:
If you’re interested in higher education in Finland, the Study in Finland website provides you with all the essential info and advice, including a list of all the universities in Finland. helps you find English-language upper secondary programmes, vocational school studies and higher education. This site also contains online application forms so you can apply conveniently with the click of a button.
What’s the deal with the overalls you see university students wearing in Finland?
They’re a trademark of student life at Finnish universities: Durable overalls in various bright colours, decorated with imaginative patches and badges, contribute to a sense of community.
Music and memory: A Finnish rocker teams up with a neuroscientist
Musician and songwriter Heikki Salo collaborates with Teppo Särkämö of the University of Helsinki on an unusual project to help people recovering from strokes.
Pop, rap, techno and yoik: Festival in the far north of Finland spotlights Sámi music, culture and languages
The annual festival Ijahis Idja (Nightless Night) in the very northern town of Inari showcases modern and traditional music by Sámi Indigenous people. We talk with several performers about their music and heritage.